Monday, April 14, 2025
6:00pm – 8:00pm
On Monday, April 14th, we will have a special day of prayer and fasting for Easter Services. There will be NO Monday morning, 6AM service. But, beginning at 6PM, we will have a worship and prayer service.
If you are interested in bringing a dish, SIGN-UP here.
Dishes can be dropped off as early 5:30pm. Due to our school and aftercare programs, please enter through the back double doors. We will have tables, warmers, and space for potluck items in the back hallway. Once you have dropped off your item(s), please go ahead and enter the worship center for the safety of the children.
Dishes can be prepared for any amount. Please do not feel the need to make enough for all involved, a single dish will be great! There will not be space or availability to cook or prep your items.
If possible, please provide the specific name of the potluck item you will be bringing for planning purposes.