We will allow walk-ups on the day of the event.
Saturday, July 29TH, 2023
2:00pm – 4:00pm
K4 through 6th grade
(K4 = Must be age 4 by 7/29/23)
(6th-grade = going INTO the 6th grade in August 2023-2024 school year)
We will host a 1-day event for kids this summer! This event will include a worship experience, games, snacks, & much more!
Sign-Up Here:
If you are registering a child/children outside your household, please select “Add someone else” when you are selecting participants to register.
Check-ins will begin from 1:30pm to 2:00pm at the BACK doors. Upon arrival, please PARK in the back & WALK-IN WITH YOUR CHILD to the Check-Ins desk via the back door entrance to The Gathering Place Church (Park Avenue Campus).
CARLINE Pick-up will begin promptly at 4:00pm at the back entrance. PLEASE HAVE YOUR CAR TAG PRESENT IN THE DASH OF YOUR CAR UPON PICKING UP YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN. You will be given a car tag at Check-Ins. Same location as drop-off.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. Contact Brett Staggs at or the church office at 205.640.2715.